
Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Rainy Day Activity Time: Cacti Gardens

For almost three solids weeks now, Portland has had constant rain. And so, like any industrious Portlander, one has to find things to keep themselves entertained. So I turned to my old 1950s era Money Making Hobbies publication by Popular Mechanics to see what I could during this current deluge of dreariness.

I found this money making activity particularly appealing given the vast amounts of rain we have had: Cacti Gardening.

Pretty straightforward, though I would have to say one of the slower and more boring pursuits one could have. But with a bungalow full of cacti, your damp little home could be a happy hacienda, a casa del cactus...Or just give you the thinly veiled impression that somewhere, more than likely to the south, there is someplace dry enough to grow cacti.

In all honesty, as a child, I even tried this hobby, though not for the pursuit of money. I did learn a few things about cacti. They do need water. They don't need nearly as much water as I had provided them since most seemed to mildew at a certain point of me owning them. And despite what they might say about blooming once a year or so, it never happens. 

So next time it starts raining, and you know that it won't stop for at least a week, try planting a cactus garden. It will give you that south of the border feeling. Or make you feel like your in Arizona, in Oregon, with papers, and without a nagging feeling of getting deported so looking a little bit different.  
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