
Monday, February 15, 2010

Dead Presidents' Day...sort of...

To honor the birthdays of a couple of President's, I think it Burr and McKinley, or something like that, I wanted to point out something I noticed when looking at comic books recently.

Actually, the recently issued Blackest Night Superman Figure is what captured my attention. A little back story first, all deceased characters of the DC comic universe are coming back as "zombie-like" super-beings devouring the hearts of their peers. Since this version of Superman died a few years back, well, he is back, and he is mean, and wanting your heart.

But now to the actual toy and why I am looking at this figure on Presidents' day and not out trying to buy a mattress or some other type of useless junk. This figure looks like a creepy, evil, heart-eating  zombie Ronald Reagan...and by creepy, I guess I should and the caveat creepier than normal. And by Zombie I mean that he was actually resurrected from the dead and not what we had to endure from 1980-1988. I have no proof that Ronald Reagan never ate hearts at either an alive or dead re-animated state, so I will leave the heart eating descriptor part out.

The close-up of the face probably shows the undead parallel even more. I would like to think that when great super-heroes go to die, they don't come back looking like Ronald Reagan. But sometimes rot and rigor do weird things.

And if you didn't know this already, Franklin was not a President...But we should have a Benjamin Franklin Day. To hell with some denture wearing man who lies to his dad about cutting down trees.
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