
Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Yes, Intriguing...

I don't know if I will ever use this cook book. Well, it's really more of a pamphlet than a book, but none the less, it does contain some wonderful recipes for all of the ground meet desires one could ever want.

For example, take a couple of the ones listed below. How does Veal-Oyster Loaf sound to you? I love veal. I love oysters. I don't necessarily love them ground to a mashy pulp squeezed into a form and cooked together. But who knows? It could be exquisite. If not...dare I say, intriguing? 

Also one must note the recipe for Jellied Veal Loaf. Nothing says dining pleasure like jellied deer meat. In a loaf. One must consider that aspic was a gastronomic feat of its day. To the clear meat gelatin, which had to be clear enough to read news print through to be considered perfect, one had to use precision with temperature and timing in the cooking process, otherwise the process would cloud the end product and it would be fouled. Yet, I do not know whether this "jelly" on my veal will quite match well. 
So let's move onto another lost curiosity of past kitchens, mincemeat. Dried fruit and animal fat along with an assortment of other odds and ends baked into pies and other goodies. I don't think people quite realize what all goes into mincemeat. So for all who might have been curious, the recipe is below.

And if you ever wanted if you ever wanted to make them, I present Mincemeat Cupcakes!  

Intriguing is a word that I tend to associate with spy novels, lurid tales of foreign lands, and exposes about historical figures. However, it is not a word that I like to think of when I handle ground meat. Perhaps this cookbook/pamphlet would be wore delectable if such verbiage as tasty, exciting, satisfying, or any other stomach pleasing descriptor were used.

Ah, those good old days when we all had meat grinders and all of our butchers were named Al.
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1 comment:

  1. I think that the espionage theme was so popular during the writing of the cookbook, that "intriguing" was an obvious choice of an adjective.
